It so easy to get into credit trouble if you don’t have or understand the knowledge behind borrowing and “credit”. Are you interested in knowing how to:
– Define “credit” and “loan.
– Distinguish between secured and unsecured loans.
– Identify three type of loans.
– Identify the costs associated with getting a loan.
– Identify the factors lenders use to make loan decisions.
– Explain why installment loans cost less than rent-to-own.
– Explain why it is important to be wary of rent-to-own, payday loan, and refund anticipation services.
– Describe how to guard against predatory lending practices.
The objective by the end of this course, is that participants will understand How Credit works, types of credit that are available, and if they are ready to apply for credit. Don’t miss this FREE Educational Workshop, get the knowledge you need to make informed credit decisions.
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